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"The Gentle Art"

Jujitsu is the grand daddy of the Japanese arts.  A relic from the Samurai, It can involve anything from weapons to empty hand techniques.  Grappling, strikes, joint locks and chokes.  A relic from the Samurai caste, a professional warrior society its scope is vast.  So much so the practitioner eventually became a specialist in certain areas rather that the whole art.  Taking this art on to learn will be quite a challenge but one like no other!

Our instructor has trained and holds rank in several ryu or schools over the past 26 years
- Jujitsu under the United states Judo association 
- Kaze Arashi Ryu Aiki jujutsu
- Hoteikan system Jujitsu 


The Hoteikan dojo was founded in 1974 by Grand Master Emilio Claudio Jr. and Grandmaster Robert Hasman. Grand Master Emilio Claudio Jr. contributed Sosuishitsu Ryu Jujitsu and Judo, he is currently the instructor at West Point Military Academy and the late Sensei Robert Hasman contributed the art of Shotokan Karate and was formerly the instructor at the New York Department of Corrections. Together both men created the Hoteikan System which was founded to establish perfection of the Mind, Body and Spirit and dedicated to the combined arts. Today there are 6 Hoteikan system locations including: Arizona, Long Island, West Point NY, South Dakota, Georgia and Brooklyn NY. This site is the Hoteikan System South Dakota location. 

We are not a franchise; all of our locations are branches established by students who became instructors and relocated. Every location can trace its roots back to our founding Sensei.

Our Sensei geneology


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2000 w 42nd st
Sioux falls SD 

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